"...Kirsten Gillibrand as our new senator even though she has actively pushed legislation that would make it even harder to control illegal handguns."[link]Wait a minute did you just say, "harder to control illegal handguns"? I thought that handguns were legal, at least in some of the free states left in America? Do none of this countries +20,000 firearms laws not already do that? Sorry I digress sir, back to your article...
"...Paterson noted that the seat had been held previously by Robert F. Kennedy. Paterson did not add that Kennedy had been murdered with a handgun."Whoa! Now wait a minute. I thought that
RFK was killed by Sirhan Sirhan? Oh, OK, I see now, your either being a revisionist, or trying to use emotion rather than logic to get your point across. At that point I close my eyes and ears to you. Aside from that I hope that when someone breaks into your home, threatens you and your family, that emergency response time is fast enough to protect you. If not they can always put that yellow tape up.