Let's assume for a moment that the gun-grabbers decide to give up on their "traditional" approach to ban firearms. What we as owner, enthusiasts, collectors, etc... need to keep an eye out for are other means that this could be established. Unfortunately I think I may have found a very small loophole that may be a means of more restrictive gun-control that is far beyond the "traditional" method. As many of you know for a few years now gun-grabbers have been going the environmental route and going after the lead contained in projectiles. Luckily there are alternatives to lead, albeit a bit more expensive, but an easy work around. Let's now look at another environmental measure that has yet to rear its ugly head, but we should be very vigilant on this issue and its effects on our rights.
"The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to act for the first time to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that scientists blame for the warming of the planet, according to top Obama administration officials." [link] Big deal some of you may say what does this have to do with my guns. Well depending on how far some want to push this, everything. This will even be a way to get at those old smoke poles that nearly everyone thinks will be exempt from gun control laws. If taken to the limits, gun-grabbers could push for outlawing every single firearm ever manufactured.How you may ask? Simple chemistry. Lets start by looking at the combustion of
blackpowder. 10
KNO3 + 3 S + 8 C → 2 K2CO3 + 3 K2SO4 + 6 CO2 + 5 N2
[link]. For those of you that know nothing about chemistry the right side of the equation (that part after the arrow) is what is produced after blackpowder ignites. The 6 CO2 means 6 molecules of carbon dioxide... Now see where I am going with this?I apologize for not having a combustion formula for smokeless powder, but do some searching and you will find that it contains carbon and probably some oxygenated compounds as well. Upon combustion CO2 will end up being produced in some quantity.
We need to keep an eye out on this, because you can about guarantee that I am not the only one who has given this some thought and come to this conclusion.