Thursday, June 18, 2009


To understand someone who says one thing then turns around and does the exact opposite is quite infuriating to anyone who uses logic, has a brain, or consumes oxygen. However there are some people out there that have actually put together lists of what Obama actually means when he acts in this manner. Far be it from me to even attempt such project. Here is a short list of "Obamaspeak" and how it works...Make sure to go to the link to see the rest.

"1. The Budget. Wanting to cut $17 billion from the budget, as President Obama has promised, is proof of financial responsibility. Borrowing $1.84 trillion this year for new programs is "stimulus." The old phrase "out-of-control spending" is inoperative.

2. Unemployment. The number of jobs theoretically saved, or created, by new government policies - not the actual percentage of Americans out of work, or the total number of jobs lost - is now the far better indicator of unemployment.

3. The Private Sector. Nationalizing much of the auto and financial industries, while regulating executive compensation, is an indication of our new government's repeatedly stated reluctance to interfere in the private sector." [link]

