Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Problem With Concealed Carry Licenses
Here is my main beef with CCW, CCL, what have you. Of all the states that allow concealed carry only two are doing it correctly (based on the U.S. Constitution). Those would be Alaska and Vermont. In either state if you may "legally" own a firearm then you may automatically carry concealed, no paperwork, now forms, no fees, etc... In other words no infringement on rights. The rest of the states issue their licenses on a "shall issue" basis. This is the loophole part. There is nothing in there that forces whatever entity issues these licenses to issue anybody one, regardless of reason. I know that here in Kentucky you have to get your county sheriff to sign off on an approval for your license. He/she has the choice to either sign and grant your license or not. If they don't like you, your family, the way you look, etc... any reason whatsoever they don't have to issue your license.
Now don't get me wrong it is good that quite a few states are recognizing the right of law abiding citizens to be able to protect themselves in the best manner available to them. However, they should all look into Vermont/Alaska style concealed carry laws.
Eddie Eagle and Hoplophobia
No matter how many times I see these types of stories and people that think this way, it never ceases to amaze me.
Quote for the Day
Friday, February 27, 2009
Has the Time Come?
Looks like they're revving their engines now. Since Obama and his administration have discovered there is not enough resistance to stop them from doing whatever they please in Washington, they will do just that. WHATEVER THEY PLEASE. Regardless of what "We the People" think, say, or do. We are in for some dark times, and multiple struggles we must battle to the best of our ability in the coming years.
It was time to start joining liberty and freedom minded organizations years ago. Now is the time that Americans must make their voices heard above the grind of the gears of tyranny. Now is the time "We the People" must demand and make our government listen to our grievances. How about we take a look at a list of rights that have been violated over and over by our government for years now without much resistance:
Our government has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent swarms of Officers to harrass our people, including but not limited to the IRS, BATFE, Homeland Security, FEMA,
Our government has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies (FBI, CIA, BATFE, multiple other government entities armed to the teeth) without the Consent of our legislatures.
Our government has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power (once again see the list of all the government agencies that are better armed, trained, and definitely kept separate).
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us (once again see the above list): For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States (remember Ruby Ridge, Waco).
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: (Patriot Act ring a bell)
For taking away our Charters (The United States Constitution, individual state Constitutions, The Bill of Rights), abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments...
If any of these things sound very familiar they should for two reasons: 1)They are all happening or taking place right now, and 2) They are taken nearly word for word with some slight modifications added from The Declaration of Independence. When will enough be enough.
Quote for the Day
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Short Break?
I will be out of town for a few days. It might not be possible for me to post regularly like I have been doing so far. Never fear, I will return in a few days, and possibly I may even get a chance or two to post while I am away. If not you can about guarantee that I will be able to catch up on some reading and have plenty more ideas and information about our struggle for freedom and liberty in these times.
Quote for the Day
Saturday, February 21, 2009
In Response to Those That Argue Government=Safety
How About We Call You On It, Mr Obama!
Wonderful rhetoric in this instance, let's sound tough, but not mean a damn thing about it. If you truly are going to call out federal agencies for wasting money how about actually taking a look at some of the measures in your so called "stimulus law":
$24 million for USDA buildings and rent
$176 million for renovating Agricultural Research Service buildings
$290 million for flood prevention activities
$50 million for watershed rehabilitation
$1.4 billion for wastewater disposal programs
$295 million for administrative expenses associated with food stamp program
$1 billion for the 2010 Census
$200 million for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries
$650 million for the DTV converter box coupon program
$360 million for construction of NIST buildings
$830 million for NOAA research and facilities
$2 billion for Byrne JAG program
$10 million to combat Mexican gunrunners
$125 million for rural communities to combat drug crimes
$1 billion for the COPS program
$1 billion for NASA
$300 million to purchase scientific instruments for colleges and museums
$400 million for equipment and facilities at the NSF
$3.7 billion to conduct "green" renovations on military bases
$375 million for Mississippi River projects
$10 million for urban canals
$5 billion for weatherizing buildings
$2 billion to develop advanced batteries for hybrid cars
$3.4 billion for fossil energy research (possibly including an earmark for FutureGen)
$5.1 billion for environmental cleanup around military bases
$5.5 billion for "green" federal buildings
$300 million for "green" cars for federal employees
$20 million for IT upgrades at the Small Business Administration
$200 million to design and furnish DHS headquarters
$98 million earmark for a polar icebreaker
$210 million for State and local fire stations
$125 million to restore trails and abandoned mines
$146 million for trail maintenance at National Park Service sites
$140 million for volcano monitoring systems
$600 million for the EPA Superfund environmental cleanup program
$200 million to clean up leaking underground storage tanks
$500 million for forest health and wildfire prevention
$25 million for the Smithsonian Institution
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$1.2 billion for "youth activities" (for "youth" up to 24 years old)
$500 million earmark for NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD
$1 billion for Head Start
$32 million for home-delivered nutrition services
$160 million for volunteer programs at the Corporation for National and Community Service
$500 million earmark for the SSA National Computer Center in MD
$220 million for the International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico
$8 billion for high-speed railway (including an earmark for Harry Reid's LA to Las Vegas MagLev)
$1.3 billion for Amtrak
[link for source] & here
Quote for the Day
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sovereignty Resolution For MN !!!
Read the Bill Here:https://www.revisor.leg.s...
If you live in MN please call your Congressman and/or Senator and let them know that you support this bill.
Source for everything on this page
Another Gun Control Ploy
"Kenneth Dunkin, a former social worker and Democrat member of the Illinois House of Representatives, has introduced HB0687, entitled the “Firearm Owners ID-Insurance” bill. It is currently in the Rules Committee.
Dunkin’s bill amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, a previous bill aimed at chipping away at the Second Amendment. Dunkin’s amendment states “that any person who owns a firearm in this State shall maintain a policy of liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 specifically covering any damages resulting from negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person.” [link]
How about we start trying to get a bill that states "All elected officials must carry a liability insurance policy in the amount of at least $20 million lest they in any way, shape, or form try say or do anything that tries to limit, curtail, regulate, ban, eradicate, outlaw, etc... anything that has to do with personal freedom and responsibility. This policy will specifically cover any damages resulting from negligent or willful acts of using your powers as a representative of the people to try and remove their freedoms and/or your violation of any part of the United States Constitution. Such examples include, but are not limited too: stress (from having to put up with your stupidity in office) and any related conditions caused by stress, high blood pressure, headache, carpel tunnel syndrome (from having to write, type, stamp, etc... to you and urge you not to be an idiot, and/or post on forums to get the word out about your treachery), or any other damages real or imagined."
Now we just need to give this legislation a name.
Traders Revolt! CNBC Host calls for New Tea Party - Chicago Floor Mocks Obama Plan
Poll to vote on joining the "Tea Party"
More on the Tea Party
Texas Joins Fight for State Sovereignty
Also, here is a link to all my blog posts about the fight for state sovereignty for those interested.
Quote for the Day
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Gun Grabbers Use Lies to Push Their Agenda
Yeah, you can read the underlined, bold print again. It was an exact quote from the source. I was under the impression that internet sales had to go through an FFL.
More Info on Student Suspended for Having a Valid CCW License
Just some more information on this story that is out there. Please support Mr. Maxwell. He is a Marine Corps Veteran and is a legally licensed to possess a CCW, which he does. Besides I would like to see how "university officials" claim that a university policy trumps state law? You can find campus contacts at this site.
For the first post on this go here.
Gun Control Loophole
"The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to act for the first time to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that scientists blame for the warming of the planet, according to top Obama administration officials." [link]
Big deal some of you may say what does this have to do with my guns. Well depending on how far some want to push this, everything. This will even be a way to get at those old smoke poles that nearly everyone thinks will be exempt from gun control laws. If taken to the limits, gun-grabbers could push for outlawing every single firearm ever manufactured.
How you may ask? Simple chemistry. Lets start by looking at the combustion of blackpowder. 10 KNO3 + 3 S + 8 C → 2 K2CO3 + 3 K2SO4 + 6 CO2 + 5 N2 [link]. For those of you that know nothing about chemistry the right side of the equation (that part after the arrow) is what is produced after blackpowder ignites. The 6 CO2 means 6 molecules of carbon dioxide... Now see where I am going with this?
I apologize for not having a combustion formula for smokeless powder, but do some searching and you will find that it contains carbon and probably some oxygenated compounds as well. Upon combustion CO2 will end up being produced in some quantity.
We need to keep an eye out on this, because you can about guarantee that I am not the only one who has given this some thought and come to this conclusion.
Idiots and Gun Control
And yet another idiot opens their mouth. Once again proving the old adage: "Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." Fortunately there was someone there with enough logic to answer this question very intelligently.
"Gang member are not going to adhere to the law,” said Bardoni, referring to how the criminals use illegal guns. “The problem is the outlaw element that is carrying the guns that we can’t control at this point.” [link]
Quote for the Day
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Obama Defends Concealed Carry?
Yeah I couldn't believe it either. But for some reason I am not getting a warm fuzzy feeling all over. I think somebody had better start looking up this man's sleeves, because there is definitely something hiding up there.
More Gun Control Drivel
OH! My favorite! Draconian style firearms control, restrictions, limits, etc... Whatever floats your boat. For some reason politicians can't get it through their thick, brainless skulls that these types of regulations only apply to law abiding citizens. They do not understand that criminals, by definition, will still continue to do what they do, commit crimes. They will do this regardless of any barriers in their way. Did the invention of safes stop them from trying to get to the valuable stored inside? Did the invention of CCTV and the use of it at gas stations stop hold ups from these establishments?
If merely passing a law remedied a situation we would have not more drunk driving incidents, no murders, not theft, no extortion, no rape, etc... Only the law abiding follow the laws. The problem we start to run into is nearly everyone has that theoretical line in the sand drawn at some point. At what point will politicians turn you into a criminal?
Quote for the Day
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
If You Speak, They Will Know You're Stupid
We also have from the same article:
"I am very upset about the whole thing," said Joyce Gorycki of Mineola, widow of a Long Island Rail Road official killed in the 1993 train shooting and co-chair of Long Island's New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. "I don't know why she needs two rifles." [link]
Two comments from me. I certainly hope the guns did have bullets in them else they would be useless for defense purposes. How about we start making people keep their engines separated from their vehicles? By this logic someone too drunk to drive would not be able to put their engine in their car and drive (in theory).
Second comment: I don't know why other people try to force their beliefs on me. If I want to own 500 guns and never shoot a one that is my choice not yours and/or anyone else's.
Quote for the Day
Monday, February 16, 2009
Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe'
I might also like to point out that Obama loves to compare himself with FDR, as far as being able to handle the recession that we are end and bring it to a close. In fact Obama is following almost the exact "strategy" that FDR did, that is to say massive government spending, creating jobs via infrastructure projects (WPA), and provide welfare benefits to the poor.
More opinions on what this "stimulus" will do for welfare reform can be found here.
You may also read an interesting paper on whether the New Deal helped or not here. Interestingly enough this article cites and gives a link to a paper by Christina Romer (heard of her, she is Obama's chairperson on the Council of Economic Adviser's), who in this paper give empirical evidence that government spending did not in any way help end the depression. However now that she has a top spot in the administration she is all for government spending.
Just read all the information contained here and enjoy.
As Data Collecting Grows, Privacy Erodes
Just one more thing for us freedom lovers to be very careful about, check that, not just us, but anyone. Personal information being tracked is one reason that identity theft is on the rise. How sure can you be that a third party is going to be truly concerned and secure with your personal information?
But that doesn't really matter to the gun grabbers. Manner of you have by now heard of ammunition encoding. This is their new ploy read on...
"Gun owners are alarmed over what they're witnessing in Washington, DC and state legislatures across the country. Realizing they could not succeed in disarming American citizens, Liberal organizations and their political representatives have decided to allow armed citizens to possess all the guns they wish. The hitch is, according to political strategist Mike Baker, the so-called gun-grabbers have decided to track ammunition for those guns by encoding the cartridges and maintaining a database." [link]
Just keep a close eye out for this type of legislation. It has been killed in quite a few of the states it first started in, but it would be no surprise to see it start popping up again.
Quote for the Day
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Quote for the Day
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Putting Things in Perspective: The Stimulus
Let us now presuppose that $100,000 US dollars. Is an amount that if earned annually would be more than sufficient to meet every need of an individual and take care of nearly every want. It is helpful to remember here that $50,233 was the average household income in America in 2008. So what I did was double then round off.
Now to get an impression of just how big this package really is. If an individual now spent exactly $1ooK a day it would take him/her 10 days to spend $1million. So every 100 days would be $10 million spent, 1000 days $100million, 10,000 days now gets us to $1billion dollars spent. This means it would take 27.4 years at a rate of $100K a day to equal $1billion dollars so at that rate it would take just a little over 21,536 YEARS to equal $787billion.
Even if we assume an expenditure rate of $100million a day it would take 10 days to get a $1billion, 100 for $10billion...for a grand total of 7870 days or 21.56 years at a rate of $100million a day to equal the size and scope of the stimulus.
Quote for the Day
Friday, February 13, 2009
Another State Joins in Sovereignty Fight
Gun Rights Activists Make Their Case
In the first scenario, the gunman is the only one armed. But in the second demonstration, the gunman, teacher and a student are armed.
Security company owner Shawn Deehan of Fredericksburg said the classroom was safer when the students and teacher had the opportunity to stop the gunman and protect themselves.
"They had a chance to survive," Deehan said of the students in the second demonstration. "In the other scenario, they have no chance at all." [link]
Good to see that some universities unlike others, understand the importance of well informed, armed citizens on their campus. For more information about gun week at JMU visit
College Student Suspended Despite Handgun Permit
Several things come to mind here let me first address the issue of forcing someone to get the approval of a "licensed mental health professional" before they can re-enroll in classes for carrying a handgun. What we now have is an attempt to show that not only firearm ownership, but mere possession of a firearm is a mental health issue. The thought of this scares the hell out of me and goes to show the reason GOA raised such a fit about the "Veteran's Disarmament Act".
If I were Mr. Maxwell, I would write the paper though, and in it I would include the text of the 2nd Amendment, some of the Founding Father's ideas about the freedom and the importance of being armed, incidents of armed citizens saving lives and stopping violent criminals, and the importance in understanding the importance between a law and a campus policy. Then I would tell them in the kindest manner possible to go f**k themselves!
I urge my readers to contact the university on Jeffrey Maxwell's behalf (which I will be doing) immediately.
Tennessee: Memphis News Site Publishes Tennessee Concealed Carry Permit Holder List
A Memphis based online news website,, has posted Tennessee’s right to carry permit holder list online! apparently feels that the “public’s right to know” outweighs your right to privacy. Their irresponsible decision to publish this list has made it easier for criminals to target law-abiding gun owners.
Shockingly when the list was first published, it even included permit holders home address! However, bowing to criticism, removed the address but still included a permit holder’s full name, birth date, city, zip code, and the issue and expiration date of their permit.
To view this list, please click here.
Let’s keep the pressure on to have this list removed completely by contacting IMMEDIATELY, as well as its President and Publisher, Joseph Pepe. can be reached at (901) 529-2345 or 1-800-444-6397.
Joseph Pepe, President and Publisher, 901-529-2205
via email by clicking here
Also, contact your State Legislators TODAY and respectfully urge them to support concealed carry permit holder confidentiality legislation. To find contact information for your State Legislators, please click here.
Politicians Lie Again
I was just wondering if everyone else finds the so called "transparency in government" as ironic and humorous as I do. Anymore I do not know whether to laugh or cry at the idiocy that goes on in D.C.
Quote for the Day
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Kerlikowske Pick More Proof of Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda, Says CCRKBA
And some more info on this subject...
Open Carry Legislation
Good news on this front.
More Gun Grabber Silliness
Couple of points here, don't you like the way the 2nd Amendment, which is a right, is now compared to automobile registration and titling. Also what will more than likely be tried is the classic bait and switch. This bill will get plenty of coverage, but won't go anywhere, instead a "milder" legislation will be written as a sort of compromise. Now is the time to be eternally vigilant.
Quote for the Day
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
This Bill Does Not Have a Single Earmark in It
Really!!!! Then how the hell do you explain this:
Congressional $hopping Carts
Sort of makes you physically ill doesn't it?
...and Yet Another Gun Control Advocate in a Top Job
Just more of what we need in Washington right now.
Quote for the Day
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Socialized Medicine on the Way
"...the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology, will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective. The goal is to reduce costs and “guide” your doctor’s decisions (442, 446). These provisions in the stimulus bill are virtually identical to what Daschle prescribed in his 2008 book, “Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis.” According to Daschle, doctors have to give up autonomy and “learn to operate less like solo practitioners.”[link]
And Yet More From Hew Hampshire
"This act by New Hampshire is a clear warning to the federal government that they could face being stripped of their power by the States (presumably through civil war)!"[link]
Getting better by the day isn't it. Here is some more info as well as here.
For those of you behind a little bit here was my 1st blog post about this and my 2nd blog post.
He Had to be Created by Geppetto
THE FACTS: There are no "earmarks," as they are usually defined, inserted by lawmakers in the bill. Still, some of the projects bear the prime characteristics of pork...For example, the latest version contains $2 billion for a clean-coal power plant with specifications matching one in Mattoon, Ill., $10 million for urban canals, $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars, and $255 million for a polar icebreaker and other "priority procurements" by the Coast Guard..."[link]
...he was created as a wooden puppet, but wanted so badly to be a real boy.
2nd Amendment Backers to March on DC!
Wonder what type of attention this will garner from the "main-stream" media?
Fairbanks Group Says "No" to Gun Legislation
Good for them, need many more like them.
Quote for the Day
Monday, February 9, 2009
Looks Like New Hampshire and Friends are Gathering Supporters
Starting to look to me like this states rights issue is starting to come to the forefront again. Wouldn't it really be great to put the federal government in its actual place.
Firearms: A Great Equalizer
Excellent article, make perfect since to me.
B.C. police, politicians struggle to react to gang-related shootings
Let's take a moment to ponder the bold print and underlined statement.... Ok, so your telling me that these two criminals had possession of a prohibited firearm. OH MY! What about the children!? Oh wait, isn't criminal by definition someone who breaks the law? And doesn't Canada have relatively strict gun control? And this gun control does not prevent criminals from getting guns?
Maybe instead of some of the b*llshit laws that are being passed to curb individual rights, we as citizens should push for a law that makes it mandatory for all elected officials to show proficiency in logic. Then they might be able to put together than criminals don't care if it is illegal to own (insert your favorite Brady Campaign wish list of weapons to be banned here), they will get it anyway.
If just passing a law kept it from happening then it would have already, but it didn't.
Does Your Preacher Pack a Gun?
Pretty sure this article was wrote by a gun-rights fence sitter. The really seem to be tore up about which way to lean. This is a good example of why we, pro-gunners, need to continue to put our best foot forward. Remember in order to carry on our pro-rights culture we need to pass it on to others. Invite friends, family, and neighbors to the range with you sometime.
And by the way, I don't think my current preacher packs a gun, but one of my previous preachers sure did.
Quote for the Day
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Quote for the Day
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Man Charged with Felony After Flipping Finger

Inhofe Statement on Stimulus Compromise
WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), issued the following statement tonight after the announcement of a compromise on the Senate
stimulus bill. "While I appreciate the efforts of my colleagues to
bring down the price tag of this bill, the fact is we still face a trillion
dollar spending bill. Making it worse, the bill is 93% spending and only 7% stimulation...'"[link]
Well there you go. Pretty simple as self explanatory. We're gonna get screwed again.
Biden Urges Passage of Stimulus Despite Voter Backlash
"“If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still
a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong,” was his message at the meeting.
Well now isn't that nice. A 30% chance that that roughly $800 billion goes down the tubes and does absolutely nothing to help the economy. Don't you just love how they throw our money around that is forcefully taken from us.
Quote for the Day
New Hampshire Tells the Government to F**k Off
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Nine
A RESOLUTION affirming States’ rights based on Jeffersonian principles. Whereas
the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, Part 1, Article 7 declares that
the people of this State have the sole and exclusive right of governing
themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent State; and do, and forever
hereafter shall, exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right,
pertaining thereto, which is not, or may not hereafter be, by them expressly
delegated to the United States of America in congress assembled..."[link]
That's not the only state that is doing it either check out some of the others.
Friday, February 6, 2009
What Needs to be Done

Nancy Pelosi [click photo or here for link]

Harry Reid [photo or here for link]
Have far too often violated this:

Great Job South Carolina
Excellent job down there South Carolina. 9 out of 100 on the Brady Scale is near perfect. The only fault I have is not allowing reciprocity of other states CCW licenses. Other than that keep up the good work. You still have a little way to go, KY is darn near perfect with a score of 2 out of 100.[Brady Campaign State rankings page, just a heads up in case you don't even want to go there, link] And Deo Vindice my friends!
Scrap This Useless Firearm Regulation
Let's see a little calculation here... that comes out to .000009% of every firearm entered coming up a match and a 0% chance of an arrest. That seems like an excellent expenditure of $30million to me. Wouldn't you all agree?
Corzine the Idiot
Don't you like the "in theory" part. I really enjoy that. It never ceases to amaze me that these people do not understand the answer is not more laws, but clean up the confusing clutter we already have, and have true "common sense gun laws". Of course my definition of common sense gun laws are far from what a gun-grabbers definition is. My definition would be to allow any law abiding citizen who has never been convicted of a violent crime to be able to own, purchase, carry, shoot, sell, etc... whatever they want to. Then enforce strictly the law for any violent offender caught in possession and/or attempted possession, or anyone who uses a firearm in a violent crime. This would be true "common sense" gun laws.
Quote for the Day
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Quote for the Day
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Stock Up!

I would advise stocking up sooner than later.
Image courtesy of Oleg Volk
More From the Government Indoctrination Camps
Once again, let's "allow" the government to start "training" our children to expect and comply with violations of privacy at every turn. The younger you start 'em the easier it is to control them.
Being Un-Patriotic: From Their Own Mouths
Ok, you heard VP Biden say it. Paying taxes is the patriotic thing to do. So by their own (top Democratic officials) definition then Daschle [link], Geithner [different link], and Killifer [and yet a completely different link] are unpatriotic bums. Yet one, Geithner, will get to set tax codes and head the IRS. Luckily the other two will not (as of yet) be involved at the top of the administration.
Of course, in one way this makes perfectly logical sense. This is why we constantly hear the Dem's clamoring for more taxation, they just won't pay it anyway.
Legislating away rights in an attempt to curb crime (cough, cough, "BULLSH*T)
Whenever there is a shooting death, armed robbery, accidental injury, etc., the gun grabbers come out in force and call for more stringent laws. As if one more law that restricts the rights of people who didn't break the law in the first place would have made a difference."[link]
A North Carolina minister, for example, thinks he has come up with the perfect solution to crime: require a license to purchase ammunition. "The purpose of good government is to pass laws that protect the public. And who in their right mind can defend criminals being able to have something that can kill people?" Rev. Melvin Whitley has said.[same link as before]
Ok I know I have created a blog faux-paux by linking twice(to the same link), but I did it for a reason, the first to get your attention, the second to point out via bold and underline an opinion.
This person is so ABSOLUTELY WRONG about the purpose of government. What surprises me is that a lot of people cannot answer this question in America, yet the answer is found in the Declaration of Independence, let me quote from it: "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
So as we can see from our founding fathers that governments are instituted to secure our God given rights and see that none trample on them.
Quote for the Day
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The War on Guns: OFF on Holder
Well, by my reckoning that means we have used the the ballotbox, the soapbox is not working too well, that leaves the jury box, then the ever trusty cartridge box.
Quote for the Day
Thoughts and Things Learned During the Ice Storm
Okay, here we go with some things learned during this little ordeal. Food, water, and heating that we had was sufficient to meet every one's needs, and more or less offer some means of comfort. Temperature was a bit cooler than what we were used to with electric (we used a gas insert) but that was remedied by layering indoors. I will add that in a worse case scenario it would be very wise to have more than one means of heat, i.e. backup generator(standby would be more advantageous than gas or LP powered, but more expensive), extra propane stored for gas stove, some dry wood stored(which we had) just in case...
Food met all nutrition needs and kept anyone from a rumbly tummy and/or intestinal distress. However after about day 3 we all decided that more variety was needed. This will be remedied in the following weeks. I will be looking for several varieties and brands of canned soup, vegetables, dried/preserved/canned meats, "energy bars", candy (for the sweet tooth), and powdered drink mixes.
Hygiene, no problem, we had running water, also had water stored in case water went out. Pretty sure we had enough water for all of us for a full week. I will however be investing in a packable filtration system. Any advice on this would be appreciated, I have looked in the past, but could just not decide. Oh yeah, have powdered soap and a wash board handy, we didn't need to use them, but we had both.
I am sure there is more, but these were the things that stuck with me.
Other things on hand that were not "needed" during this event were: several different modes of transportation (that is to say 4X4 vehicles, atv's and utv's), extra fuel for each, chainsaws, firearms and spare ammo, also a fully portable reloading setup.
Overall it seems that Kentuckians are a rather resilient bunch, as well as self sufficient (I will expound on this more in a later post). Unfortunately there were some deaths in the state associated with this storm, however when you consider that up to 700K were without power with sub-freezing temperatures and as of now only 9 deaths were hypothermia related out of 24 total (hope this number does not go up)[link] I would hazard a guess that we Kentuckians know how to take care of ourselves and each other.